Friday, December 15, 2006

Haven't been updating my blog for this week. Well, nothing really interesting has happened...ha ha! Been a lazy week. Just trying to keep up with the running and diet plan of not eating too much while I still can. Next week, will be Christmas and stuff and I can just imagine all the feasting that will be going on. Anyway, Marian got me a one off job today. She's working at an events company and wanted my help to be a mime artist. It's a company's dinner and dance at the Hyatt Hotel. So I said I'll do it. So yeah, my first employment since I got back. The pay is not too bad for an hour's work. I'm supposed to paint my face white and go around during the cocktail pre-dinner and do funny actions and disturb and irritate the guest as well as take pictures with them...ha ha! Never did this kinda stuff before. But it worked out all right. Did it and hanged in there for an hour taking photos and doing funny actions...ha ha! At least I'm hiding behind a painted face so people won't know my identity...ha ha! It helps lah...ha ha!

After that, went down to Bishan to meet up with the church youths for BBQ. Can't join them earlier for their event so can only join them for the BBQ part. Does ok for me as I was really hungry...ha ha! Just a normal Singaporean BBQ. Sausages, prawns, sotong (squid) balls, bee hoon, satay. But yeah, was really full after that...ha ha! Good to see everyone again!!!

JOEL living for ETERNITY
11:59 PM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

