Saturday, April 01, 2006

Took a half hour drive down Roe Highway to Swan Valley. My first time at the valley full of vineyard, grapes, cheese and nice juices. I must say we went there at the right time of the year. Just check out the pictures and see all those big juicy grapes. You just drive along the road and the vineyards left and right of you are just filled with grapes. So much of them! I bought a bunch back and Huiqian said it was the best grapes she ever tasted. Very sweet without a pinch of sourness. I also bought some non alcoholic grape juice from this vineyard. It is just like a taste of heaven. No added sugar yet it was sweet as ever. Stopped by Lancaster to pick up some of their dessert wine as well. Not forgetting the chocolate factory where we tasted some chocolates and coffee.

The day is not over yet. You will never believe it. After coming back from Swan Valley, went down to church because I was supposed to help do some filming for the coming church camp. Well, we travelled 2 hours down South to the wonderful town of Busseltton. Went down to this place called Geographe Bay resort and did some filming to promote the July church family camp. I say, the place is really nice and you can relax 101%. So yeah, very impressed. The day ended with a 2 hour drive back and had Domino’s pizza for dinner. So much traveling for just a day; tired but I love it! Adventure come knock on my door!!!

JOEL living for ETERNITY
11:59 PM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

