Saturday, March 04, 2006

Just came back from a fun but disappointing crabbing experience. We had 5 cars who went down together to Mandurah hoping to get some crabs before they all disappear into the autumn season. Some of my friends who went last said it was quite a good catch. We were all high in hopes of having a fantastic crab meal tonight. Joshua, Monica, Cheryl and Me even went to the supermarket early this moring to get ingredients for chilli and pepper crab.

Mandurah is such a nice place. The weather was good as well. We were there in the evening time and it isn't too hot. Just really nice. Went to this place called the Peel Inlet to try out luck at scooping up some crabs. You will not believe how shallow the peel inlet is. Anyway, the Peel Inlet is kinda like a lake that is very near to the mouth of the river which then leads to the India Ocean. We actually waded in the water at about 1km away from the shore, and the water level is only up to our waist. It is especially nice when the night falls and you are practically surrounded with water and looking up in the sky, you see nothing but stars. But I thought the sunset was the best. The water all around you suddenly turns gold in colour. Really cool.

But alas, the season seems dry. In the end we only caught 2 crabs. And all caught by me...ha ha ha! So very sad but I must tell you that the satisfaction of scooping up the crab is trememdous. Disappointed but I'm definitely going back again when the season comes again.

In the end, we had to settle for some Italian food and chilli mussels from Concas. Still all of us had fun together. That's still the most important.


JOEL living for ETERNITY
11:59 PM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

