Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Yesterday sent Geraldine off and today sent Arthur off. Had lunch with Arthur and Javier at subway before Arthur bid his farewell to us. The pass few days have people leaving back for home and I am foreseeing that it will continue to happen for the next few days. And for me, still stuck here and worst, I still have not even started my exams. That’s sad, but having only 1 exam to take and have to wait till the 2nd last day of exams to do it is depressing. Happy to see my friends going back for the holidays, well, it’ll be my tunr in 2 weeks. See you all lovely people back in Singapore soon. Cheers!

JOEL living for ETERNITY
11:59 PM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

