Monday, September 05, 2005

4 of September 2005, Sunday is Father's Day down here in Perth. Wow... and I thought Father's day was universal. We celebrated Father's Day in Singapore in June while Australia's had theirs in September. Since I'm here, I sent a Father's Day card back to my dd as well. It's a surprise, so hope my dad will get it ASAP. Anyway, today went to church and they had a little Father's Day celebration. They made some brownie sort of cake and handed out to all the fathers. Weijie stayed over at my room and went for service together too. Today's sermon topic I found it really good. Is about leaving the wilderness of sin and entering the promise land of God. The promised land is not geographical but that of spiritual. That anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and can enter this promised land for eternity. After church, we all went to this place called Riverton to have KFC. My first time having KFC here in Perth. One good thing is they let you choose which part of chicken. Naturally, thighs were the favourite. The KFC here is more or less the same in Singapore but I think we have better whipped potato. The one I ate today was quite weird, very pasty and kinda sticks together. After that, Sara, Tiffany, Louisa, Geraldine and me went to Utopia to grab some Bubble Tea. My first time having bubble tea here too. Quite expensive, $3, but drank it for the experience. Miss the $1 bubble teas back home....ha ha! I tried one called Spring Love Milk Tea. Found it very milky, don't really like it. Next time I'll get the Summer Milk Tea, think is better. More fruity too....ha ha! And that's my weekend. My first official test coming this week....ha ha! Thank God my really nice lecturer gave us a MCQ paper. But still gonna prepare well for it. Pray for me people! God Bless!

JOEL living for ETERNITY
2:28 AM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

