Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It was a long Monday after the break. Had lessons straight through 12.30 to 5.30. Then rushed home cos today me and Jeremy are whipping up some home-cooked Chinese cuisine for our 2nd flat dinner. We made Hainanese Chicken Rice, sweet & sour fish, mixed vegetables and seafood soup. Was quite a bit of work but all good fun. My first time cooking Chicken rice though not as tasty a those in Hawker centres back in Singapore, it was okay for a first attempt...ha ha! Found out that our dear flatmates never heard or had fishballs before. So today was a new experience for them...ha ha! Never knew fishballs were such Asian things and they are real expensive to but here. You get like 10 for about $2 plus. But all of them loved it. I told them those fishballs that can actually bounce are the better ones...ha ha! Something weird happen too, me and Jeremy bought a pack of seafood soup base meant for the soup but when we started to cook, it was nowhere in sight! We searched high and low for it and even rummaged through the dustbins *oops!* but was never found. Lucky we saved some chicken stock and added some other condiments to make it as tasty as ever. Better than we expected. Guess what, after dinner, we found it sitting comfortably on the shelf. Weird we never saw it... kinda impossible! One of those unexplainable things. Anyway, had a good dinner together before all of use cleaned up and made the kitchen "brand new" again....ha ha! As usual, some pics to share!

JOEL living for ETERNITY
1:34 AM



Good Day!

"Someday Someday, I will be the one Babe!"


lBonnie lGermaine lGina lHuimin lHuiyu lIanz lJacob lJialing lKanghui lLouisa lLydia lSarah lShallene lSonglee lTeresa lTiffany lYanchang lHana

